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The Path into a Vocation


A young man interested in exploring a vocation with the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius will visit the community for at least a few days to become acquainted with the common life and charism of the Canons Regular. Rather than attend a ‘vocational retreat’, visitors will participate in the Restoration of the Sacred by praying and working with the community within the normal daily schedule. Visitors will meet with the Superior to ask questions and learn more about the community, its formation, charism and apostolates. 


All interested applicants must meet the following criteria:

- Must be between 18 and 35 years old.

- Have completed high school or equivalent.

- Be in good physical health and have a balanced personality, capable of living a  communal life.

- Not be in a valid marriage recognized by the Church.

- Be free of financial obligations.

- Have an aptitude for further development of the four pillars of formation: Spiritual, Human, Intellectual, and Pastoral.


The initial period of discernment is the Postulancy.


This stage is the introduction to community life with the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius joining in work and prayer. Through participation in the Liturgical Office and the Mass he will familiarize himself with the rich liturgical history of the Roman Catholic Church in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms.


The Novitiate is a two year period used to determine whether the Novice truly has a vocation to the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius.


During this period the Novice is immersed in the daily parish work, life and prayer. The Novitiate begins with the official and public acceptance of the individual by the Superior who vests him in the black Roman cassock and sash (without fringe) during a formal ceremony.

The Junioriate

The Juniorate encompasses the period between a member's first profession of vows and his final profession of vows.


During this period the Junior more fully participates in the apostolic work of the community.  He embraces the vow of poverty, surrendering administration of his belongings, obtaining permission of the Superior to do anything with his property as all of his necessary physical needs met by the community.


If he has discerned a call to the priesthood, intellectual preparation through theological studies as part of seminary formation begins in the Juniorate.

Seminary Formation

If a member of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius discerns that he also has a call to the priesthood, he will be admitted into theological studies. He must first complete the proper undergraduate studies if he has not already done so prior to entrance into the community.


Guided by the norms established by the Holy See, the seminarian will be given human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation centered around the Holy Eucharist, especially daily Mass, the Divine Office and contemplative prayer. Frequent use of spiritual direction and sacramental Confession is emphasized to foster an unwavering commitment to a priestly life of sacrifice and service.

Final Vows

During the period of Junioriate a member of the Canons Regular may renew his temporary vows annually, but the period during which he is bound by them may not exceed six years, at which point he must either profess final vows or leave the Canons Regular.


After three years under temporary vows, a member may request the profession of final vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. All members called to the priesthood profess final vows before advancing to the diaconate.


A professed member of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius who has successfully completed the required theological studies and who has been judged as a suitable and worthy candidate, may advance to the Diaconate and then to the Priesthood. A member who advances to Sacred Orders serves in our parish apostolates.


Canons Regular of St. John Cantius


1025 W. Fry Street, Chicago, IL 60642


(312) 243-7373  |


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