"The loveliest masterpiece of the Heart of God is the Heart of a Mother." - St. Thérèse of Lisieux
This Mother's Day, honor the woman in your life with the gift of three Masses. The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius wish to remember all of the mothers of our patrons and friends in a special way. We hope you will enroll your loved ones in the annual Mother's Day Triduum of three Masses (1962 Missale Romanum) at St. John Cantius Church in Chicago.
The Mass dates are:
Sunday 5/12 - 7:30am
Monday 5/13 - 8am
Tuesday 5/14 - 8am
Please join us at the church for any of these Masses and in prayer for our mothers, grandmothers and any woman who is a mother to you. You can enroll below and then download a card for printing or to email your loved ones.
Please also consider:
Flowers for Our Lady - Decorate Mary's Altar with flowers in honor of Our Lady.
Votive Candles - Adorn Mary's Altar with Votive Candles. Suggested donation is $5.00.
Three Masses - Suggested donation to St. John Cantius Church $30.00.
All donations accepted.
Now that you have completed your enrollment,
don't forget to download your Mother's Day Card.